How to get a monetized YouTube channel

2 min readJul 18, 2023


In order to earn money from your channel on YouTube, you must first satisfy YouTube’s standards. Here’s a detailed tutorial on how to make that happen:

Make a channel on YouTube: To access the YouTube Studio control panel, login with your Google account on YouTube. To begin creating your YouTube channel, head to the site’s homepage and click the “Create a channel” button.

Make excellent videos that will interest your niche audience and capture their attention. Create material that serves a purpose, whether that is to inform, entertain, or address a problem.

Get monetized YouTube channels from here.

Attain the necessary levels of monetization: In order to make money off of a YouTube channel, you must first fulfil a number of criteria set forth by YouTube. For starters, you’ll need:

Put in 4,000 hours of viewing time over the course of a year on your channel.
One thousand members: Get at least a thousand people to subscribe to your channel.
Please abide by YouTube’s rules and recommendations: Make sure your video follows all of YouTube’s regulations, including the Community Guidelines, the Guidelines for Makers of Advertiser-Friendly Content, and any others that may apply. Don’t post anything that can get you in trouble with YouTube, such as videos that violate copyrights, is sexually explicit, or give users false hope.

Monetization enabled! If you meet the requirements, you can join the YouTube Partner Program. To begin earning money from your YouTube channel, go to the “Monetization” tab in the Studio control panel and follow the on-screen instructions.

You’ll need an AdSense account if you want to get paid for the ads that play on your videos on YouTube. If you don’t already have an AdSense account, you can sign up for one and provide your payment information.

After being accepted into the YouTube Partner Program, it is imperative that you continue to adhere to YouTube’s monetization regulations. You shouldn’t use clickbait, commit fraud, or break any of YouTube’s other rules.

It’s worth noting that not all channels are guaranteed to be accepted for monetization, and the assessment process can take some time. To enhance your chances of getting monetized on YouTube, you should concentrate on making high-quality material, expanding your audience, and following YouTube’s guidelines.



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